Child Custody Studies
Family conflict is a serious concern for youth in our community. Shifting Mindsets Consulting seeks to intervene in this conflict through family legal cases regarding child custody by providing expert opinions to advocate for the proper custody placement of children.
There is no one type of family, therefore, no solution will meet the needs of every family. Shifting Mindsets Consulting acknowledges that each and every family looks and works differently. Some families work long-term and others split apart for a variety of reasons. Therefore, Shifting Mindsets Consulting looks to advocate for the best possible outcome for children in difficult legal situations by providing expert opinions in family legal cases regarding child custody.
In order to form the basis for professional expert opinions, Shifting Mindsets Consulting interviews all relevant parties to each and every case. In doing so, a representative of Shifting Mindsets Consulting will gain a comprehensive understanding of the wishes of the parent/guardian, children, and other relevant legal actors. In addition, the living standards and conditions of each potential outcome will be assessed in order to ensure the child's developmental well being. This includes an assessment of the community that surrounds potential living environments for children that may impact how the child engages with the community. This also includes assessing the likelihood of positive mental health for a child in a given living scenario.
The findings of Shifting Mindsets Consulting will be enclosed in a report sent to the appropriate parties for each case. There is also an option for these findings to be presented in hearings/court as needed.